Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Since we've had complaints about not updating the Blog frequently enough, here goes...we haven't been able to access the internet for quite some time, so this will hopefully get you all up to date...

First New Orleans Fun Facts:

  • The old streetcar stops at every trashcan.
  • If you flash various body parts, men will give you cheap plastic beads. Yay.
  • If you don't flash body parts, you can still get beads by tearing them off the necks of guys who acquired them fair and square.
  • Having more than two Hurricanes requires three things: Hydration, Hydration, Hydration.
  • Forgetting the above leads to next fact:
  • Emergency Room doctors in New Orleans do not look like George Clooney. (but do not worry, proper hydration got me on my feet again, see above)
  • Leaving New Orleans by air leads to sexual satisfaction as one is strip-searched every few meters.

    Now we are in Florida, where the weather is fine and (thank God) a little less humid than in New Orleans, so we can breathe. Our motel room costs less than one of us paid for the hostel room in New York City so we can invest all the rest of our money in food. Ulisch found out that she hates Disney since they charge $ 7 for parking. I found out on the beach that I am not allergic to Ocean Potion, so I managed not to look like a lobster.

    Virtually, we have acquired the following and are trying to come up with excuses to get them all through customs: a pool table (sale), a slot machine (to go with the pool table), a car (the ads on TV say it costs practically nothing), a life-size Elvis cardboard figure (offered inside the Elvis CD we bought), a life-size Spiderman figure (given to us by Blockbuster), a dolphin named Bob (who can do tricks), a basin for Bob, and a dump truck (hey, they were on sale, too).

    In reality, unfortunately, we have bought much, much more...but also presents for everybody!!! Presents for all the people who will come to look at our vacation pictures and video!!! Or else!!!
