Saturday, May 24, 2003

Cruising with noodles

Today the girls had fun .. we were driving home from a party with the rest of the noodle salad. Suddenly our ears were accosted by really loud music coming out of a convertible invariably containing four slimy men with oily hair. We imagined dumping a whole bucket of noodle salad into their car at the next light. Alas...we did not have enough. But lo! we did still have a couple of noodles and started throwing them. Missed, though. The rest of the journey we amused ourselves by aiming noodles at unsuspecting cyclists and pedestrians and the occasional obnoxious convertible (what is it with "top down, music up"?). Imagine the possibilities of a whole bowl of noodle salad! Cruising along Leopoldstraß down...elbow noodles out. I imagine it could become a trend.


The party we were invited to, by the way, was in the best apartment I have seen in a long time. It was up on the fourth floor and had a terrace as large as our apartment, I think. I had to imagine what it must be like when the sun is shining and you're lying in your hammock with a book, looking out over the roofs of the city and I felt a little bit envious. People at the party were a bit strange, though. Couples. Pregnant woman. Doctors. Grumpy Girlfriend. (I've met this girl on numerous occasions, never so far have I seen her say anything and she looks NOT AMUSED the whole time. The first time I thought it was our fault because we didn't try to integrate her enough. But I've seen her often enough to realize that it's not the case. Doesn't seem to faze her boyfriend, though. We thought that maybe we should try this approach and tried to practise, but we couldn't stop talking long enough :)

Mouse on Mars

This is what you would see if you were one. Space Mouse, though.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Blogger is moving to a new server, so this blog's reception is kind of screwy at the moment...I hope they're done soon, it annoys me no end.

Just finished working on my thesis for today. Actually I discovered that I find working a lot quite satisfying sometimes. I guess it's the feeling when you actually get things done as opposed to the feeling of floundering about uselessly. I tend to either not do anything at all or 3 jobs at once. It's always been like that. I remember when I worked for one month straight with no free time in two jobs because they did not have enough people at my old workplace. Probably couldn't do that for long, that's why I never wanted to work on a cruise ship, for example. I need a free day now and then. And the aforementioned 5 minutes. Which I had today, so I'm rather relaxed really.

Tomorrow (actually today) I'll go to University, then head straight to work, then head straight to Astro TV. Then I'll try to convince Ulisch to test drive my experiment :)

What else happened?

  • Ordered shoes that didn't fit
  • Dishwasher still doesn't work
  • Tae Bo ruined my legs and I limped around the church today instead of jogging
    (Aside: Does this you remind you of a song? "Let me limp arrrround the churrrrch..." We used to joke about how he had to ask his Mom for permission when he was little: "Please, Mom...I want to skulk around the churrrch...pleeeease" "But only till 10, dear. And don't go telling that nice lady she smells so good." "Awwwww...")

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Hurra, heute bin ich ausnahmsweise mal über dem Durchschnitt: Das Journalisten-Quiz

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Bob, the angry flower tells us about the correct use of the apostrophe. Thank you, Bob. Up next: The correct use of "definitely". Scheduled for next week's installment: How to distinguish "loose" from "lose". Thank you for your attention.
After all those weeks of lounging about doing virtually nothing it's kind of a shock to now have basically three jobs. I am experimenting, market researching and guest relating. Trying to squeeze in sports, too. I don't mind being busy, but what I hate feeling is stressed because you need to go from point A to point B to point C and never have a moment's time to sit down and gather your thoughts. Just 5 minutes do the trick. But no, not today.

Probably wouldn't be feeling so stressed anyway if I had slept more...and had had time to eat...oh well. My own fault, could have gotten something to eat while I was working. Eating is overrated anyway. Just shoveled in some spaghetti, but felt kind of queasy during Tae Bo. (Uppercut, Frontpunch, Hook, you want me to hit the black spots in front of my eyes?)

Other news: Our dishwasher is broken. Yikes! Dirty dishes are piling up..

More other news (sad): Last episode of Buffy airs today. Ever. *sniff*

Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head

That song is constantly playing in my head now. (I did take a shower, admittedly, but it just doesn't feature in the song.) Had the same annoying dream that's been bugging me for a week now in the few hours that I sleep (4 today). Starting to really hate it. I'm also feeling somewhat sick today...let's hope that goes away soon. Now off to university/work with me.

May the force be with you.

May the special effects be with you as well.

Monday, May 19, 2003

I made it - if a bit wet. I look like a poodle.
Decided to stop blogging depressing thoughts. Remind me if I relapse.

Ok, so now I am at work (actually have been the whole day, yay, work = money and this week probably will be rather busy) and the minute I decide to go home, the apocalypse breaks loose. Sigh. If I go outside, I'll probably be struck by lightning. I really hope I closed the window at home... I guess I'll see when I get home. If you don't hear from me I have been fried to a crisp on my way across the street.

When I woke up this morning I had an e-mail in my inbox that cheered me up. Thank you.

Sunday, May 18, 2003

First of all, the usual non-smoking rant. I have compiled a list of all the pros of nonsmoking I perceive so far:

  • My mom thinks it's a neat idea
  • You save money
  • You die at a later time (probably)

Now for a list of the cons of nonsmoking at the moment:

  • I spend every waking minute thinking about smoking
  • Social ostracism
  • Haven't slept a wink the whole week (today actually it was two hours)
  • Little phases of boredom where one has nothing to do
  • No release for stress
  • My lung hurts (???)
  • My skin looks like shit
  • I am dead tired all the time
  • Crabbiness
  • The money I save on cigarettes I spend tenfold on clothes to lighten my crabby mood
  • You die at a later time (probably)

I am seriously considering giving up nonsmoking again. It's a pain in the ass. What for anyway? I thought it would improve things with my nervousness and stomach. Didn't do anything for that. Just makes me feel miserable. But...actually that's not really the reason so I probably should stick with it. What IS the real reason? Follow me on my train of thought if you will...

Yesterday, while I was jogging, I thought about a seminar I had last year. It was called "goal-setting". For that seminar you had to pick two goals you had and present them to the others following certain rules the professor made up. But what really bugged me was that she afterwards did not criticise your "setup" like e.g. "you should have worded the goal more like this to make achieving it more probable etc." but she criticised the goals itself. For me, I chose: "I want to pass my exam" as my goal. And she was saying that was a crappy goal because you should really aim for a good mark. But what if a good mark isn't my goal? It wasn't then and now that I passed the exam it still isn't. Why should I pick something as my goal that is not it just to "aim high"? And why is it any of your business??

Now why was I thinking about this while jogging? Because my other goal was "I want to run a marathon" and she said I was never going to make it anyway. And I thought: "Why not?" Is there any reason I couldn't? That's why it kind of bugged me that I wasn't able to make it last year, but I am definitely aiming for it this year again. And what does this have to do with the topic at hand, i.e. non-smoking? It has something to do with it as the answer to both the questions: "Why are you not smoking?" and "Why do you want to run a Marathon?" is "Because I can." And at the moment I need something to prove to myself that I can do something as I'm feeling rather useless and worthless. I am in a strange mood at the moment anyway. I don't feel too good and need something to lift my spirits. Don't know if it works, though, as non-smoking weighs heavily on aforementioned spirits, too.

The other thing about feeling really down and vulnerable at the moment is that I really don't know if blogging helps with that. It's like everybody gets to look inside my head but I never get to look back. Sometimes I feel like an animal in a zoo. Of course, it's my own fault, after all, I don't have to write about my emotions. But if I use this blog as a diary I'll want to write about the depressing stuff that goes on in my mind. I'm not sure if I want to ignore the way I am feeling and just blog "the funny things that happened to me today". But I think I'll either have to do that or give it up entirely. Haven't made up my mind yet, but that was what I was thinking about.