Thursday, May 22, 2003

Blogger is moving to a new server, so this blog's reception is kind of screwy at the moment...I hope they're done soon, it annoys me no end.

Just finished working on my thesis for today. Actually I discovered that I find working a lot quite satisfying sometimes. I guess it's the feeling when you actually get things done as opposed to the feeling of floundering about uselessly. I tend to either not do anything at all or 3 jobs at once. It's always been like that. I remember when I worked for one month straight with no free time in two jobs because they did not have enough people at my old workplace. Probably couldn't do that for long, that's why I never wanted to work on a cruise ship, for example. I need a free day now and then. And the aforementioned 5 minutes. Which I had today, so I'm rather relaxed really.

Tomorrow (actually today) I'll go to University, then head straight to work, then head straight to Astro TV. Then I'll try to convince Ulisch to test drive my experiment :)

What else happened?

  • Ordered shoes that didn't fit
  • Dishwasher still doesn't work
  • Tae Bo ruined my legs and I limped around the church today instead of jogging
    (Aside: Does this you remind you of a song? "Let me limp arrrround the churrrrch..." We used to joke about how he had to ask his Mom for permission when he was little: "Please, Mom...I want to skulk around the churrrch...pleeeease" "But only till 10, dear. And don't go telling that nice lady she smells so good." "Awwwww...")

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