Friday, January 09, 2004

Sometimes I feel really braindead. Yesterday I kept hearing this song on Virgin and I thought: "Hey, mee-sa like-um dis song" but I couldn't find out its name as the info thingie didn't work. Complained about it in the evening. Being questioned about the song all I could come up with was: "Um...I don't really remember the lyrics. It was kind of sad. And there were guitars."

Well. Today I heard it again, perked up - and

a) There's not a single guitar. In fact, there's ONLY the singer and a piano.
b) When I listened to the text, it sounded rather familiar. And that's because
c) I downloaded it off the internet a week ago!!!!! And listened to it numerous times!!!! And did some research about it!!!! And participated in a thread about it on a message board!!!

(In case you were wondering, it's the No. 1 Christmas single in the UK: MAD WORLD by MICHAEL ANDREWS FT GARY JULES, if that sounds familiar, it's also a Tears for Fears cover.)

That means I can't even remember what happened a week ago. Can you say: Putz! Can you say: Duh! Can you say: Someone please shoot me before I can't remember where I live anymore.
Things to do at the movies during Lord of the Rings

1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait... where the hell is Harry Potter?"

2. Block the entrance to the theater while screaming: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

3. Play a drinking game where you have to take a sip every time someone says: "The Ring."

4. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.

5. Ask everyone around you if they think Gandalf went to Hogwarts.

6. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mr. Anderson."

7. When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!"

8. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.

9. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep" Monty Python style.

10. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!"

11. Every time Elrond appears, shout out (in your best 'Dobby' voice) "Clothes! Master gave Elrond Clothes!"

12. When the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"

13. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre.

14. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?"

15. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie.

16. Start an Orc sing-a-long.

17. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused.

18. When they go in the paths of the dead, wait for tense moment and shout, "I see dead people!"

19. Imitate what you think a conversation between Gollum, Dobby and Yoda would be like.

20. Release a jar of daddy-long-legs into the theater during the Shelob scene.

21. Wonder out loud if Aragorn is going to run for governor of California.

22. After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Today I am in rather a crappy mood again, but I can recommend the Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack to enlighten those days where the sun just don't shine. I myself have it on replay but tend to hum along with it rather loudly (it's very grand at times) which could seem rather odd if other people see you. I can't dance along to it with grand gestures because my office is on the ground floor and people can look into my window. Maybe that's a good thing. The non-dancing, not the ground floor.

Maybe my mood is inflicted by the weather. When looking out the window I just realized everybody looks like they're not really in a good mood. Then again the office next to ours is a dentist's. Which reminds me I have at least 3 doctors to go to. Which in turn does not enhance my mood any further. At least it's Thursday, meaning Friday's just around the corner and in turn the weekend.

Reading assignment for the weekend, by the way, is Middlesex. (I've read all the "light" books I got for Christmas, that means I have to proceed to the literature ones.) By the way, if anyone's interested: I really liked the second-to-last Terry Pratchett ("Night Watch"). Less so the newest one ("Monstrous Regiment") which is rather too feminist for my liking. Seriously. Well, contrived feminist, whatever. Read it and you'll know what I mean. Plus, I don't like the direction Sam Vimes is taking - rumours have it he's set up to be the next Patrician - he's starting to be eerily clairvoyant and I'm not sure I enjoy that. I liked the "old" Vimes much better, temper, alcoholism and everything included.

So much for that and I'll leave you with a strange link I found: The economists. No, it doesn't really DO anything.
I need to tell you about the good people at McCain. Well, first they weren't that good because they sold me "Long and Crispy Fries"TM which were neither long nor crispy. To be fair, I've heard that the potatoes nowadays are really small (Danger! Pollution! Or something!), so long fries are probably hard to come by. But they were soaking in fat and really disgustingly squishy - not even remotely crispy.

Hence, I wrote an email and presto! today I got an envelope containing a crisp (haha) 5 Euro bill so I "can buy another McCain product" Yeah! *dances the dance of crispy fryey goodness*

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

I never told you how my New Year's went, did I? It's the "holiday coma" I am currently in, I can't seem to concentrate properly on any task. So I'll just say it was fun and next year I am going to plan on having dinner and THEN going to bed. Seemed like a good thing this year.

So today it's back to work. I took my brand new speakers to attach to my computer and am now able to listen to internet radio (Virgin Radio) where they are playing Muse every 15 minutes. Not that I object to Muse, but what's up with that?

Also, all other bands seem to want to be the Rolling Stones. OK, they have also played the Stones twice so far, but there's been at least three occasions where I've gone "Oh, it's Mick again" - an it turned out to be some other combo. But you have to be glad to find out what song they are playing because the info tends to lag somewhat. Usually I only get info about songs I already can identify. Songs I don't know are being kept hidden deliberately. Right now they are playing some song that vaguely sounds like country but which they claim is Blur - Song 2. Nope, it ain't. How am I supposed to brush up my music knowledge?

Ah, a new song is coming up: It's something by The Darkness. How did I ever spend a day without them... Hiiiii EEEEEEEEEE *squeak* Sorry, no time to blog anymore, I need to go do some serious headbanging in the office. Just kidding, by the way. The Darkness makes my ears bleed and probably kills small puppies.