Friday, December 06, 2002

They call me MS. Mechanic. My car is working again.

To celebrate me and my roommate are going out tonight!!!

We are going to the Atomic Café. I used to go there all the time which was quite fun...I do not know exactly why I stopped. So why don't you all come down there tonight to party! Most people who are reading this blog know me anyway and I'll probably give you a call later to ask you in person :)) and if you don't know me you'll have a fun evening playing guessing games and walking up to unsuspecting strangers, asking them if they have a blog on the internet. Which, honestly, is not the best of pick-up lines and it serves you right if everybody denies being me. Even I will.
Some people will never learn...

Thursday, December 05, 2002


Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Who'd have thought it...I got stuff done today. One question remains, though. Pop Quiz to all you men out there:

When you see a woman working under the hood of her car you:

A. Yell: This car ain't a Ferrari, honey

B. Stop and point out to her that she is not using the correct tools

C. Remark to your buddies that the world really is going down the drain

D. None of the above

If you answered D. you probably do not live in our neighborhood. If you did, you passing by quietly would have saved me from restraining myself a couple of times today. How dumb are these guys? Not only was I working on my car, I also was holding REALLY LARGE PLIERS (which were the incorrect tool, I admit, but I did not own a wrench large enough). Maybe they thought an irate woman chasing after them trying to bash their head in would have been fun. I should have given it a try...

Sunday, December 01, 2002

Happy thought for the day: At least we had a lot to eat.

Today I had an epiphany. (No, that's nothing unhealthy, go look it up!!) I found out that I feel responsible for EVERYTHING. While most of the time responsibility in itself is a good thing, sometimes it`s not. I blame this on my upbringing, though (quite paradox, not feeling responsible for feeling responsible).

First of all my family is very good at attaching subtle/not so subtle blame to people. ("It's your fault your Mom has a headache, go to your room.")

Second, my Mom herself radiates the feeling that she is responsible for everybody's feelings. And my Grandma does, too. An ex-boyfriend of mine once said he could not stand to visit my family because everybody was running around all the time trying to be helpful while yelling at the top of their lungs: "Let me do it!!!"

So maybe it's in my genes or maybe my parents' example (yay for psychology), but anyhow I am imprinted with the impression that no matter what anybody is feeling around me, it's somehow my fault. If I go to a club with somebody and they don't like it there, it's my fault because I suggested it. If people are mad at each other, it's my fault for not smoothing it over somehow. And this innate feeling drives my crazy. I know that (most of the time) it is absurd but I cannot help it. Gives me stomach trouble, too. Some day or other I will definitely develop an ulcer.

Hm. By reading this blog you might think that I am a completely messed-up person. Strangely enough, most of the time I am not. I have just feeling gloomy the last week or so..but since my archives are somehow inaccessible, you will never be able to read in my past :) But as I am starting to feel more upbeat I promise - really really promise - to cut back on my whining and moping cause it does not help anything.

Actually, today's post was not really sad and gloomy. It was more of an observation due to the fact that something happened today, and I felt completely weird all day because of it and was wondering the whole day why until I figured out the above.

Keeping my promise to post happy thoughts: completely wasted and nothing to complain about...happy thoughts indeed.