Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Who'd have thought it...I got stuff done today. One question remains, though. Pop Quiz to all you men out there:

When you see a woman working under the hood of her car you:

A. Yell: This car ain't a Ferrari, honey

B. Stop and point out to her that she is not using the correct tools

C. Remark to your buddies that the world really is going down the drain

D. None of the above

If you answered D. you probably do not live in our neighborhood. If you did, you passing by quietly would have saved me from restraining myself a couple of times today. How dumb are these guys? Not only was I working on my car, I also was holding REALLY LARGE PLIERS (which were the incorrect tool, I admit, but I did not own a wrench large enough). Maybe they thought an irate woman chasing after them trying to bash their head in would have been fun. I should have given it a try...

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