Saturday, October 04, 2003

Went to the Oktoberfest today to ride rides - and I must have misremembered something. But I distinctly remember riding the Eurostar and having lots of fun. Today it was awful. My head kept hitting the headrest and I think I broke my ear. It was raining like hell, too. Other than that we had fun.

Why am I blogging so late? I went to the movies and saw (shock horror) Bad Boys II. I think a couple of brain cells have gone and died miserably. Boy, was that boring. BOOOORING!!! If you see the trailer, slap your knee and say: "That them negroes sure are funny!", maybe this is the film for you. If you enjoy jokes about erection problems, you also picked the right movie. If you don't like explosions STAY AWAY!! RUN!!! But I've got to admit it's one heck of a stylish movie. Boy is it ever stylish. If I ever have to make a movie I'll hire that cinematographer. Wow. But apart from glamour it's lacking everything else.

Nuff said, if you watch it don't come running to me and complain. I warned you.

I had a couple of great thoughts that I wanted to blog and share with you, but that movie chased them all out of my head. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow then I'll get back to you.

Friday, October 03, 2003


The infection has spread to my kidneys now, so I am in quite a lot of pain as I write this and I will be until Monday when I can get antibiotics from my doctor. Ouch. So if the following doesn't seem coherent please forgive me.

First off, my computer apparently decided yesterday it doesn't want to venture into the world wide web anymore. Don't have the slightest idea why - I didn't really change anything or even work on it, it just doesn't do it. Strangely enough, the connection works - Kazaa is still working, only the internet browsers do not work anymore. Anybody know why that is?

Anyway. So I wanted to use the laptop (since that has decided to dip its toes into internet water once again - also rather randomly, I didn't do anything either). Turns out when dipping, it contracted the Blaster Virus. So I spent most of the afternoon / evening fixing the thing - which takes forever. Now everything seems alright.

Yesterday evening was a good one. Watched the Champions League game with Silke, Tinisch & Paul. Sadly (for him) and happily (for us), ManU lost and Stuttgart won. Well, in case ManU ever plays Bayern München during the tournament, I *will* cheer them (ManU, that is), I promise, but yesterday I had to be patriotic. And I discovered that playing with my Playstation is a lot more fun without the thought of an impending exam lingering in the back of your head. Well, I mostly did the watching and cheering thing, but that's what I am famous for :) and strangely enough I do enjoy that as much as playing myself. And especially when you drop off the metal runway for the umpteenth time it's such a relief to just hand the controller to somebody who actually controls the damn thing :)

In other news (boring recipe talk): My Tiramisu turned out pretty good - even though I did not use Marco's Supreme Tiramisu Recipe (mainly because I didn't know it existed). Please point me to it if you find the time, Marco and I promise I'll use it next time :))

Oh, and I ruined my parking karma, because I took somebody's parking space (I ranted about somebody doing that to me and now I am guilty, guilty, guilty.) Hm, thinking back to that incident makes me wonder whether I just evened out the karma. But at least I have the excuse that the incident happened when my kidneys started hurting and I just wanted to get home and second that I did not quite know he wanted to actually park. Yeah, yeah.

But since I never win anything, I probably should be entitled to some privileges. Boni? Whatever...good stuff. Yes. On the great balance of life, I want some stones put into the OTHER end of the scale. It's only fair. Then again, I read this: "If life was fair that would mean you DESERVED everything that happened to you." Yikes!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Weird and pointless, yet oddly satisfying and calming at the same time: Squeeeee!
Done, over and out. At least I took the exam, don't quite know about the grade, but I guess I passed. Strangely enough the information has not quite passed to my brain yet - still feeling kind of nervous. But I guess once this subsides I can go ahead and waste a whole day playing my Playstation without my conscience stirring. Yay! Today, though, I'm going to waste the day making lasagna and maybe Tiramisu to celebrate tonight.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

At least now I know why I am not feeling quite up to scratch. The bacteria (or whatever the plural is .. bacterii probably) that attacked me last week are apparently restistant to the antibiotics my doctor gave me, the little buggers. They have to be researched in a laboratory now. Until the results come in - Friday has been prognosed - they'll be frollicking in my bladder. Gallivanting. Tapdancing. Rejoicing. Or whatever it is a bacterium does in its free time. The only chance I have to subdue them is to flush them out. And I want to do that since I don't want them to get stuck in my kidneys (had a kidney infection once, and "fun" REALLY doesn't describe that). Hence, I am drinking gallons and gallons and gallons of fluid which amounts to oodles of time spent in the bathroom. At least that amounted to finally cleaning the bathroom - one wants to have the room nice and tidy where one spends the largest part of the day!

The only trouble I see brewing is my exam tomorrow. Apart from the fact that learning wasn't quite uninterrupted today (what with trips to the doctor AND to the bathroom), the exam takes 3 hours (I think - might be 4, but I think it's 3). Anyway, do you know how often I need to go to the bathroom in these three hours??? They'll accuse me of cheating. I'd try to call in sick if it wasn't my final exam, I want the damn thing gotten over with. Hm, at least I can blame any bad marks on my illness :))

Other than that strangely enough my mood has improved. Today I was even wandering through the apartment belting out tunes from Jesus Christ Superstar. Can't really say the cats liked it - which strenghtens my intention of applying for "Popstars" next year - they didn't like that either.

And while I was in a good mood I tended to my little online football team (told you learning wasn't uninterrupted). I bought a really cheap goalkeeper and his name is "Gandalf Schönberg". That improved my mood even more. Gandalf the Purple (he has to start low in the order) will keep my goal nice and clean. No Balrogs for you, Evil Other Team :)) Sorry, I couldn't resist mentioning it. I'll be going now trying to cram more information into my brain.

Oh, wait, speaking of brains... Did I mention the speaker of my stereo fell from its shelf onto my head yesterday? No, I didn't. The strange thing was - it didn't really hurt. I was wondering about that. It made a sort of *clunk* noise and then dropped onto the floor. At first I was waiting for the shock to subside and the pain to set in (you know how that happens sometimes), but it never did. So I am guessing that my head is completely empty, nothing in it that could hurt. Ulisch said it's the opposite: Too much information has made my head rock hard. Whatever theory is correct, it was a rather strange occurence. So much for that, but now back to the books, Batman!

Monday, September 29, 2003

Bored during meetings?

  • Discreetly clasp hold of someone's hand and whisper: 'can you feel it?' from the corner of your mouth

  • Draw enormous genitalia on your notepad and discreetly show it to the person next to you for their approval

  • When refreshments are presented, immediately distribute one biscuit to each of the attendees, then systematically smash each one with your fist in front of them

  • Chew tobacco

  • Wear a hands free phone headset throughout once in a while drift off into an unrelated conversation, such as: 'I don't care if there are no dwarfs, just get the show done!'

  • Write the words 'he fancies you' on your pad and show it to the person next to you while indicating with your pen

  • Respond to a serious question with: 'I don't know what to say, obviously I'm flattered, but it's all happened so fast'

  • Use Nam style jargon such as 'what's the ETA?', 'who's on recon?' & 'Charlie don't surf'

  • Reconstruct the meeting in front of you using action figures and when anyone moves re-arrange the figures accordingly

  • Shave one of your forearms

  • Draw a chalk circle around one of the chairs then avoid sitting on it, when the meeting starts. When someone does eventually sit in it, cover your mouth and gasp

  • Turn your back on the meeting and sit facing the window with your legs stretched out.

  • Announce that you 'love this dirty town'

  • Walk directly up to a colleague and stand nose to nose with him for 1 minute

  • Mount the desk and walk along its length before taking your seat

  • Reflect sunlight into everyone's eyes off your watch face

  • Gargle with water

  • Repeat every idea they express in a baby voice while moving your hand like a chattering mouth

  • Gradually push yourself closer and closer to the door on your chair

  • Hum throughout

  • Pull out a large roll of bank notes and count them demonstratively

  • Bend momentarily under the table then emerge wearing contact lenses that white out your eyes

  • Drop meaningless & confusing management speak into conversations such as: 'What's the margin, Marvin?' 'When's this turkey going to get basted?' 'If we don't get this brook babbling we're all going to end up looking like doe-eyed Labradors'

  • Produce a hamster from your pocket and suggest throwing it to one another as a means of idea-exchange

  • Use a large hunting knife to point at your visual aids

  • Announce that you've run off some copies of the meeting agenda. Then hand pieces of paper that read: My secret agenda 1 Trample the weak 2 Triumph alone 3 Invade Poland. Re-collect them sheepishly and ask everyone to pretend they haven't seen them

  • Attempt to hypnotise the entire room using a pocket watch

  • When referring to someone in the room always call them your 'homey' or 'dog'

  • Leave long pauses in your speech at random moments. When someone is prompted to interject shout 'I AM NOT FINISHED'!

I especially like the "hamsters" item :) Other than that, not really in a good mood today, so that'll be it for the day.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

I've been rather busy this weekend - first I went to the Oktoberfest which included quite a lot of beer. Then we had Jule's leaving party - now she's in Berlin... we'll see how that goes, I will wait for an update on her blog. And today my roommate moved out and we redesigned his room to be our living room. Quite successful if you ask me, it's really comfortable. Now all that's left to feel good again is to finally clean my room. But I think I'll be doing this on Wednesday after my exam.

Is there anything else? Robert Palmer died. But I did not quite hold him in the same esteem as (than?) I did Johnny Cash - just wanted to mention it in case you hadn't heard.

Couple of links maybe?

A splendid picture of Hurrican Isabel. Oh my.

It's just an illusion. (<--- 80's song that's stuck in my head now. Great)

Do you own an Etch-A-Sketch and too much time? Then you might like to beat this. Or maybe not :)

By the way, I've been thinking and I came to the conclusion that I am always rather negative in what I am writing here. Complain, complain, complain. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Maybe it's time to concentrate on more positive things. For example. I am enjoying autumn so far. The other day I went to the park to study lying in the sun and it was great. And did I mention our new living room? Fabulous. Even though I need to point out that shelf "Expedit" is a royal pain in the ass to put together. Shame on you, IKEA. I think I lost about 20 pounds sweating and cursing over the damned thing. And it's still not quite seamless. But it's really stylish. Oh yeah.