Thursday, August 26, 2004

CRAZY AUCTIONS...sold to the person who clicks this link
It's raining, I haven't been to the doctor yet but I am feeling somewhat resigned about everything and don't really care. And I'm hungry. Working wreaks havoc with food issues - I'm much too lazy to prepare stuff beforehand. Each morning I spend 2 Euros at the bakery and just buy crap to tide me over until lunch / dinner / whatever snack's in my desk drawer at the time. And most of the time I don't really have time / want to shop for fresh ingredients or don't feel like cooking at all. Good nutrition is a word (two, strictly speaking) I have to look up in the dictionary. This reminds me of a show at EPCOT where the food groups sing various 60s songs with the lyrics changed to instil an urge to go out and buy broccoli. "I'm talkin' 'bout good nutrition. Good, good, good, good nutrition" (sung to the tune of "Good vibrations" in case you were* wondering).

*note: I just corrected a typo and a trend I've come to discover in recent times: my typos start reflecting the stereotypic Germanic spelling that's often used in novels ("Ja, you vere vondering vot zis is all about") Wonder what that means..

Speaking of food, yesterday I prepared a delicious Wok dinner. Yum Wok. And tomorrow I'm going out to the Indian restaurant again. They already know us and greet us with handshakes. However, we've witnessed people being greeted with kisses - that's the ultimate goal!!!) I'm getting hungry writing all this. Let's open the drawer - M&M's. Goody.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Today's Special: Link Soup

Pretty picture from way, way up high

It's a miracle - the incredible Winking Jesus!

Is your flag crap? Do you hate those clashing colours on the Brazilian flag? Bored with the Libyan flag? Amazed by Japanese simplicity? See what Josh has to say.

If I'm cut off in traffic one more time, I'll get ONE OF THOSE BABYS and then we'll see who has the last laugh! Muahaha!
No wonder my mood is rotten - I feel like total crap. I have hot and cold flashes and my heart beats like crazy. This in turn makes me feel really antsy all the time, as if I'm nervous or stressed out. People are asking me whether something bothers me all the time - apparently I also look stressed. I couldn't sleep very well the other night and I am rather tired. These are all symptoms I had last when the hyperthyroidism was in full bloom, hence I suppose there's something wrong with my thyroid hormones. I wanted to go to the doctor today but I overslept :(

Other than that, my mood is just crap in general, my knees hurt, I have sore muscles, I'm nervous that my client won't like the report I wrote, the cat's eye is still sore and I'm worrying about personal stuff, too. Yadda yadda yadda complain complain complain whine whine whine whinge whinge whinge. I like the word "whinge".

What I hate hate hate is when people mistakenly capitalize the German word "Sie". It's not really hard. "Sie" is ONLY capitalized at the beginning of a sentence AND WHEN IT ADRESSES THE READER DIRECTLY. "sie" means a group of people. So if you capitalize it it looks like you're adressing me, you putz! I feel annoyed by that because I feel responsible for crap that's none of my business. Get. It. In. Your. Head!

Example: Discussion about the Iraq War.

"Die Amerikaner. Werden sie den Irak angreifen?"
"The Americans. Will they attack Iraq?"

"Die Amerikaner. Werden Sie den Irak angreifen?"
"The Americans. Will YOU attack Iraq?"

See the difference? And NO, I am not going to attack Iraq, thankyouverymuch. This is how huge diplomatic misunderstandings arise and more importantly, my already stressed nerves get even more frayed than they already are.
I'm in a crap mood today so I'm reading Maddox and agreeing with everything. Especially the piece about Mel Gibson's tits. Teach it, brother.

Monday, August 23, 2004

No time for movies? Try the 30 second version. With bunnies.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

The Meaning of Liff - now you can check out the meaning of words you didn't know even existed...