Sunday, September 28, 2003

I've been rather busy this weekend - first I went to the Oktoberfest which included quite a lot of beer. Then we had Jule's leaving party - now she's in Berlin... we'll see how that goes, I will wait for an update on her blog. And today my roommate moved out and we redesigned his room to be our living room. Quite successful if you ask me, it's really comfortable. Now all that's left to feel good again is to finally clean my room. But I think I'll be doing this on Wednesday after my exam.

Is there anything else? Robert Palmer died. But I did not quite hold him in the same esteem as (than?) I did Johnny Cash - just wanted to mention it in case you hadn't heard.

Couple of links maybe?

A splendid picture of Hurrican Isabel. Oh my.

It's just an illusion. (<--- 80's song that's stuck in my head now. Great)

Do you own an Etch-A-Sketch and too much time? Then you might like to beat this. Or maybe not :)

By the way, I've been thinking and I came to the conclusion that I am always rather negative in what I am writing here. Complain, complain, complain. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Maybe it's time to concentrate on more positive things. For example. I am enjoying autumn so far. The other day I went to the park to study lying in the sun and it was great. And did I mention our new living room? Fabulous. Even though I need to point out that shelf "Expedit" is a royal pain in the ass to put together. Shame on you, IKEA. I think I lost about 20 pounds sweating and cursing over the damned thing. And it's still not quite seamless. But it's really stylish. Oh yeah.

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