Saturday, March 22, 2003

Holy Cow!

I'm adding another movie to the "Really bad movies I wasted two hours of my life on" - list. Reign of Fire...Then again, what was to expect. And the special FX were quite good. Though we suspected they cut about an hour of material from the film, as it did not really offer any explanation for what was happening. And we never got to see the Magic CowTM.

Then again, somehow we had fun watching it anyway (we usually do with bad movies). By the way, the Jean Claude "Terrorist Chaser" "MacGuyver" "Fireman" "Icehockey Player" "Fast Redresser" "Bomb Defuser" "Free Climber" "Kids' Best Friend" "Helicopter Pilot" Van Damme film we were talking about was Sudden Death. One reader of the IMDB offers this gem of praise: "The last half of the film is just about entertaining as the first half is." Yep, that's correct.

Speaking of which, I've decided to write a famous novel so I can survive on writing blurbs for book covers and/or movie ads. I'd enjoy seeing a bad movie and then praising it like this:

  • A film unlike any other. / Never have I seen anything like this film. Thank God
  • Keeps you on the edge of your seat. You will be thinking about leaving the whole time
  • This is a movie that gets you thinking! About gouging your eyes out with a melon scooper
  • People will be talking about this film a lot in the next years. To laugh about it
  • I have laughed at the death scene, I have cried about 15 minutes into the movie because it would still take another hour or so...
  • This movie takes "entertainment" to a whole new level. And who'd have thought you could go so low?

Now I just need that famous novel. But I can't write a damn thing. One more talent I don't have. Oh well, there's always golf. By the way, here's yesterday's Photoshop endeavor. (It's aptly titled Penguin Crossing, by the way. Penguins (c) Paul). I should keep my day job. Then again, penguins are always funny.

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