Wednesday, March 19, 2003

These are the days when I don't really know what to write on my blog. It seems kind of pointless to give details about my life or write about my stupid thoughts when everybody is concerned about the Iraq war. My problem is that I am not a very political person and really don't have the appropriate knowledge to back up any point of view.

I don't hold with the total anti-american point of view that seems to be rather en vogue these days (try calling the citizens of any other nation "they're all fat, lazy and stupid" and hear the cry of outrage at your racist viewpoints. I'll acknowledge that sometimes there is truth in it but I am loath to condemn a whole nation on the amount of fat, lazy and stupid farmers in the Midwest). But I also certainly don't hold with the viewpoint of President Bush. The problem with the whole issue is that Bush being such a moron hovers over everything.

Saddam surely does not get my vote for "Most likeable democrat of the day" and maybe there should be some kind of action against him. But alienating the rest of the world in doing so cannot be the right course. It just hurts the validity of your arguments. Plus, attacking another country shouldn't be based on the shadiest of evidence. Really complicated issue and I'm not eloquent enough to express what I'm thinking. Maybe this article sort of approaches it concerning the pro-war arguments. (You have to watch an ad to read the whole thing, but why not)

Con-war arguments probably don't need to be enumerated here, the biggest of which is the uncertainty about the whole region. Does Saddam in fact have weapons of mass destruction? Will he use them? Against who? Will there be much support for Iraq from other states? Will terrorists take the opportunity to strike out at whomever? Will North Korea take umbrage at the fact that it's part of the "Evil Axis" and join in? I guess we'll see how everything turns out.

On a lighter note: Name-That-War:

  • The first Gulf War was "Gulf War A". This one will therefore be known as "GWB"
  • The George Bush Desert Classic: Operation BitchSlap
  • Gulf W. War
  • Gulf War Two: Electric Boogaloo
  • Junior's War

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