Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Sitting here trying to concentrate on my work ... but my thoughts keep wandering around...dammit, why can't I just keep on track. Blogging certainly helps :)) At least I dragged other people into my feedback about the riddle from somebody who is also supposed to work. Hehe. Solved #1, too.

New Project: Useless Ideas
I'm collecting suggestions for the project "Useless ideas". So far we've come up with the following:

  • Live-In decoration at IKEA: They hire you to live in their store as an example of how the furniture actually works in REAL life.
  • Live Bait: You get paid to disguise yourself as George W. Bush and travel around, distracting terrorists from his actual plans
  • Health Smoker: When people smoke, it's unhealthy. Hence, you get paid to smoke their cigarettes for them. Can be modified to include alcohol and other harmful substances.
  • Open an Online Restaurant: People sign up, you assign them a virtual table. Whenever they get up and get something to eat out of the kitchen, they pay for it like they would at a real restaurant. Enhances the chat atmosphere.

I think we had more, but my brain feels like Swiss cheese today (and yesterday and the day before) and I probably forgot some. If you have any suggestions, I'll be glad to hear from them.

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