Saturday, March 01, 2003

We handled IKEA rather exceptionally, purchasing only the couch (we took it home in my little car which was kind of amazing) and some other stuff, mostly food.

Driving home from IKEA I made the discovery that I am feeling quite well again. And I don't mean the stomach thing, that still sits in there somewhere. It just seems that the dark cloud that has been sitting over my head these past few weeks has gone away (probably to pester other people). I don't exactly know why, nothing much has changed in my life, but I'm for once feeling at ease with myself, strangely enough. I don't know how long this will keep up, so I'll have to try and make the most of it, I guess. I started off by writing an e-mail to Tessa, which I meant to for the longest time as I've been lurking on her blog on and off and thought it would be nice to get in touch. And it was!

Had trouble sleeping tonight, too, but we had a little get-together yesterday evening and it might just be the wine I had (or just the last glass which was AWFUL. Don't ever drink the wine they give you for free when you order enough chinese food, I tell ya). The evening was fun, though. We three new roommates had just planned to cook some dinner and play some PS2. Then I invited Paul. That must have triggered something in the universe, as suddenly calls kept pouring in of people who wanted to drop by. In the end it somewhat resembled a party. Good thing we bought crackers at IKEA (yes, you can do that) and the case of beer I bought the other day turned out to be a good investment as well.

I'll stop blogging now and work a little bit on my paper (as far as my bloodshot eyes will take me) and maybe I'll come up with some insightful stuff later as I've only been writing about my life lately and you deserve better: Food for thought!

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