Thursday, June 26, 2003

Eeek. Blogger hasn't been working yesterday and today everything looks different. Change. It's difficult to accept. Since I did not get to blog yesterday you missed out on lots of interesting stuff *snicker* (of course not). Actually I was on a roll and finished inputting all the data for my final paper. Yay me! Now I just need to figure out what the data means and write the damn thing.

I'm actually at work and don't have a lot of time - just wanted to let you know that I'm going to the capital with Jule rather spontaneously (Well, I'm spontaneous, I don't know whether Jule did lots of planning beforehand). But then again, 'spontaneous' is my middle AND first name. Spontaneous-Mon. I'll visit Diana and get to meet Baby Olivia in person. Darn, I wanted to borrow Silke's camera. Oh well, no pictures then. If I can coax Diana into letting me use her net access I can give you updates on life in Berlin. Which I probably will. So ta-ta for now and carry on, Jeeves.

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