Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Immenent Danger of Sinusses making Head Explode Leads to Link Day!!

a) Quick, everybody to the left! (No actual children were harmed during this incident) Tee hee.

b) This looks like fun. I've always wanted my own magazine.

c) Optical illusions rule!

d) News flash: Urinal Test says I am probably a woman!

e) A time waster for people good at song lyrics (practice here for your time as music joker when I am on Who wants to be a millionaire?)

Oh, and one thing more: not only did my date write an e-mail, no! he also called yesterday. Which unfortunately made me realize I did not either look forward to him calling me again or us meeting any time soon. Why? I have no idea. I'm feeling rather depressed about this. I think I need a hug. (This may be the fever talking, though :)

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