Saturday, March 15, 2003

Just Concentrate on the Coconut

A line from that feel-good movie Shadow Warriors. It's hilarious. Anyone who thought of the plot line that the American gymnastic team is kidnapped and has to be rescued, deserves an award of some kind. However, I'd like to offer an apology to Billy Dee Williams. While it might be true that Mr Williams is out there making really bad movies cashing in on his Star Wars fame, he was never associated with Shadow Warriors in any way.

Damn those Swedes

I definitely should not go to IKEA anymore. Bought a couple of shelves and a closet. While it's true that I desperately need those things, I can in no way afford them. But there's one thing to be said for IKEA: their assembly instructions are very well thought out. And after the pain in the ass that was assembling my bed (which was NOT by IKEA) you learn to appreciate those little things. That and the thing that IKEA gives you to put in the screws. What is its name anyway? We voted for Nøbble.


I discovered this word the other day. I don't quite know why, but it seems to project mindless vacant joy (which it's supposed to). I think it's the two 00s in the middle. Yay Geekspeak! You know that you're in serious trouble, geekwise, when you consider ordering a <./racism.> t-shirt from these people. Sleep is for the weak!

What happens if you publish a couple of senseless pictograms in case Iraq/North Korea attacks your country

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