Sunday, April 06, 2003

Time Bonus is NO BONUS

Yay, my wardrobe (!!) is finally put together.Thank you, Silke, for your work (pre-sorting the screws is a really hard job, but someone's gotta do it) and thank you, Paul, for pretending to be an elephant (and a lion...and a cow) to keep us entertained while we worked. :) Haven't put all my clothes in yet, I guess I'll finish that today.

Afterwards we tried out the PSII games the neighbor had given me. Turned out they weren't as much fun as they could have been. Smuggler's Run could be fun, I guess (you are a smuggler trying to get loot to a pickup point), but if you are playing it with two players you should have the option of working together against the computer players. There are so many of them and your real life opponent is not really distinguishable from the others (maybe if we had played it longer), so you can't even yell "Ha, ha, I got you!" properly. Afterwards we played Super bust-a-move which we had two opinions about:

a) Looks like it's for children

b) Looks like it's for Japanese people on LSD

It's one of these games where there's just too much on the screen...colours...colours...COLOURS...cats that look like Hello Kitty!...little dragons that yell "Hurry up!"...crazy spiralling kept yelling at you and you kind of expected it to yell "Banzaiii" and make your PSII explode.

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