Monday, April 14, 2003

Went to Legoland today with Tinisch, Marco and Babsi. It wasn't that exciting but we managed to have fun anyway (we usually do).

First we went on a ride where you have to pedal yourself forward (c/o Babsi and me). Waited in line for 45 minutes, rode for 60 seconds. But hey, we had a great view. No, really. Tried to hit the car of the people in front of us, but failed.

Then we decided we'd give ourselves points for each kid we kicked during waiting in line (hey, THEY started it!). I think Babsi got the most points, but she got whacked in the nose by one of the little buggers, so I'm not sure whether that counts as a victory.

Then Legoland employee Marc lied to me about the "Seat That Will Stay Dry on the Waterride". Hilarity ensued. I am sure the others were laughing with me. Yes, they were. Definitely.

Then we had the Worst Burger of our LifeTM.

And then we did the Dragon Ride (Note to Tinisch and Marco: I thoughtfully kept your picture, by the way) where we laughed at all the parents and kids who had disregarded the height restrictions and had to turn around.

Saw lots of strange huge lego figurines, too. Some guy called "Agent 007" (the thing was talking, informing us of its name) who was carrying a toilet (??), an old lady who was catching pigeons to eat them (??), a crazy bunny with a chain saw (??) and a guy half sunk in concrete (??). Those Danish Lego People are crazy, I guess. Finally they gave us a present: a lego brick (weighing 4 grams as some tourist lady informed me out of the blue - why? I do not know) and we left.

Lessons Learned

a) If there's an Euro to be saved, Swabians will take the opportunity to park off the designated parking area and walk to the park.

b) Don't name your kid "Raul" if you are not Spanish.

c) There are 24 possible ways of assembling two eight-noobled* Lego pieces. *("nooble" being the term of choice for the bumps on top)

d) When in an amusement park, always try to remember where you parked your car.

And here are some pictures...

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