Friday, May 30, 2003

Those Smart people are evil. They shouldn't have put that roadster in my way the other day. Now I've been calculating the whole day whether I should get a loan to finance one. It would look so good on me.. I already have one configured on (Yes, Paul, I know, just cover your eyes, ears and hum or something :).

It's metallic-blue (+350,- Euros, grrr, I had to have the colour that costs extra). It has an electric soft-top. I also went for the board computer (if you're going for broke you might as well really go for broke) and the "Security Package" (airbag! v. important!). I'm still debating the radio options with myself. So far, I'd have to pay 400 Euros a month to get it. Or else I could lease it. But I've got the vague impression that leasing is baaad. Don't know why.

But I'd have to take into account that I would have to sell my Mazda to get it. That would sadden me greatly...I love my car. And how would I transport IKEA stuff? And I need to take into account that I probably have to pay huge sums to get the dishwasher repaired (yes, it's still broken). *sigh* Maybe I'll win the Smart from Quelle. Then I can maybe exchange it.

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