Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Sweat, baby, sweat

I should be doing lots of work right now but I've decided it's too hot and I'll go and swim first. My laptop is still not doing what it's supposed to do anyway and I have to sit in my room at the PC. The janitor's kids are riding their bikes in circles in front of my window. It drives me crazy.

What else?

I was thinking about doing the Atkins Diet, but I did some research and it looks like that's a pretty stupid idea. Especially as I don't particularly like tons of meat and cheese and I want my pasta! And it's a stupid idea. And you can die from it. Did I mention it's a stupid idea?

Entertainment situation:

  • Reading Dead Famous, Infinite Jest still pending.
  • Have apparently seen all episodes of Dr. Stefan Frank. (aka "Der Arzt, dem die Frauen vertrauen" or, internationally speaking "Stefan Frank, M.D. - The Doctor Women Trust").
  • Only 11 more days until the new Harry Potter comes out, yay!

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