Friday, August 22, 2003

I'm in a good mood today. Strange, but true. Maybe it's because I made progress on my paper. No, that's not it. Just so.

I'm adding another To-Do Thing to my list: I want to change this blog's design. I mean its puristic, cubistic and straightforward appeal has its advantages, but I might just wade through the huge mess that its HTML has become in the meantime and spruce it up a little. Pictures and such. MIDI music. Yay. Preferably something by Jon Bon Jovi. Maybe a Comet Cursor or two. Poems, too. Clouds and Poems.

(*pat pat* here's the smelling salts *pat pat*) only a joke. only a joke.

Not the sprucing up part, that I really want to do.

Ordered huge piles of books at amazon. It's the devil, I tells ya! 666! The Marc(o) of the Beast :)))) <--just kidding, my dear, of course you're not HellSpawn, even if you work for the Evil MasterTM. I just couldn't pass up a pun. Sorry. Please disregard.

Did I tell you about the nightmare I had where my professor went on holiday and couldn't sign the permission slip for my paper? Well, today I called the office and guess what? My professor has gone on holiday. Sigh. Tell me again why I am in a good mood, please. What are reasons to be in a good mood? If you know some, please feel free to put them in the comments. I'll venture some:

  • My cuddly-wuddly kitty cats (sorry. snuggy-wuggums that they are. I call them Puffels by the way.) Before you get too sugary sweet, here's reason #2:

  • The way how my halogen lamp attracts icky insects (moths and such) and instantly incinerates them. Poof! Great fun for the whole family.

  • People linking to my blog. Makes me happy and feel loved (blows kisses xxx).

  • Being known at the butcher's shop around the corner. Didn't have enough money with me today and they said: "Just pay another time."

  • Actually having stomach muscles. I think I can almost see them. Yay. Well, almost :)

That's all I can think of that applies to right here and now, but as I said, feel free to add, because I actually forgot reason #6: People writing comments...

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