Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Work called today and asked if I could come and help out tomorrow. Now the plan is to work on my paper tomorrow and if possible, even finish the "stupid, stupid numbers" part of it. So I declined. And now I feel sort of bad, because I know that it would have been important, while I probably won't work on my paper as much as I had planned to.

Then again, they said: "You only have to work from 9 to 12", and I absolutely KNOW that there's no chance I would have walked out of there before 4 p.m. Last time I was supposed to work till 1 I left the office at 5. Plus, once I have left the building it's nearly impossible motivating myself to continue on the stupid thing. See here. I am sitting at the computer. Am I crunching senseless numbers? No. I am blogging. Because I left the apartment today. I just should not go out tomorrow. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Stay indoors. Work, work, work. Ahaha. Where's my dried frog pills?

If I didn't have Daniel and his stress-relieving techniques I'd go bonkers anyway. I highly recommend looking at the pictures - I think he's doing the Crane on one of them, and on one he's just supporting himself on one hand. (We actually tried that once in class, bwahaha - no chance). My roommate said: "Is he always doing the exercises topless?", but that is beside the point. It's the RELAXATION. The BREATHING.

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