Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I am convinced I'm having a good day. The good thing is that yesterday I've had an epiphany. No, that's nothing that happened while I was watching Johnny Depp, go look it up :) I mean that I have the feeling that it went click inside my head and now my paper has become clear to me. You know how I was complaining that nothing made sense? Somehow now it does. I still don't know what exactly all the numbers mean, but now I can tell where they are supposed to go and how to work on the thing. I think that's what was missing, the feeling that my work was actually accomplishing anything. I was just floundering about, hoping I'd accidentally strike gold (which I never did). But now I know what I have to work on and that feels much better. Dumped everything I've written so far, started over again, and currently I'm on page 12 and convinced that what I wrote makes sense. That feels good.

Other than that, my day hasn't really been good, but I'm not letting me be convinced otherwise. First, I went to the library to get the books for my exam. Put my stuff in the first locker, drop in coin - doesn't work. Take out my stuff, put it in second locker, drop in coin - doesn't work. Third time's the charm, I think - erm, no. The fourth locker finally works. Get all my books but it turns out I still have outstanding library fees so I can't check it out. Library fees, of course, can only be paid at the Central Library. So I take my stuff and bike up the street to the Central Library. Pay everything (I basically now own the library) and while I'm there, pay a visit to the admissions office, because my professor finally returned from his vacation and signed my admission paper (yay!). Turns out the lady manning the admissions office is on vacation (nay!) and will return on the 15th. I pray to God that's early enough so I still can register the paper. Well, nothing to be done about it now, really (IT DOESN'T MATTER. Ommmm.)

Then I worked on my paper which was good as I told you. Oh, and a friend of mine called me: She's also taking the exam in October and she also hasn't started learning yet. That lifted my spirits as I only meet people who have been learning for a year or so. I don't know if I mentioned the girl I met last September - even though it hadn't been assigned yet who her examiner would be, she had chosen one and was on her way discussing the exam. Well I for one am going tomorrow (my friend's going and she has the same examiner, so I figured I'd join her). Wonder if the examiner thinks it's really late to be doing this? Ah well, the last time I had an exam with him, he had forgotten he had an exam, so I guess he won't mind. He's the kind of professor that you associate with the "professor" image: rather old, really smart, but tends to look a bit distracted at times.

Anyway, back to the essay: My day. Good or not? After working on the paper I went jogging which, strangely, was really fun today, maybe the mental stuff is starting to work. Anyway, not so good: When I stopped jogging I felt really good. But as soon as I entered the apartment I started feeling really queasy and since then I've been lying around, trying not to throw up. Strange. I didn't have the feeling I was overdoing it while I was jogging, but apparently I was. So I'm going to bed now, still convinced the day was good, though :)

A quick What else? (mainly concerning Pirates):

Downloaded Johnny onto my desktop and acquired the soundtrack. Read the review in the SZ and almost threw up. Good god, how can one person write so much shite? I mean, I am used to that - the SZ has two reviewers. One I usually don't agree with but he goes and sees the movie and then explains what he did / didn't like - that's fine with me. The other one (this one) mainly evokes the impression he hasn't seen the movie at all, throws in jumbled references to old movies and books he has read, and usually quotes Nietzsche at some point. Which makes sense sometimes, but not when you are reviewing Daddy Daycare. And I am not kidding. He rambled on about the "transcendental" nature of Eddie Murphy. I hope he retires soon or my head will explode at some point.

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