Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Shiver me timbers!

Well, I've just seen Pirates of the Caribbean, and let me tell you, it's indeed (as has been stated before) rated ARRR! When I came out of the cinema, I actually thought: "I would like to see it again. How about right now? Right now would be a good time." The last time that has happened was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade I think. (Then I actually did go and see it again, but since then I've become older and wiser. *cough*)

A disclaimer: If you absolutely detest pirate movies, or if you fall into the category of my brother's girlfriend, who hates every movie that's not "realistic", you will hate this movie. Cause realistic it aint. Walking skeletons? She's so going to kick your butt, brother dearest. No doubt about it.

Other than that: If the word "swashbuckling" didn't exist, they would have to invent it for this movie. And the swashbucklingest of them all is Johnny Depp. Mr Depp is so cool that if I had had him around this summer I would not have complained about the heat but worn a fur coat. With nothing under it. But that's beside the point. Let me just say: Keira, honey. Listen to me. If you are marooned on a desert island with Johnny Depp and yohoho a bottle of rum, you don't go clamoring for the Royal Navy, if you know what I am saying.

Orlando Bloom, as much as I like him, pales a little in comparison to Johnny's bemascaraed eyes. Though he does hold his own when it comes to swordfights. And there be lots of cool swordfights in this movie. What else? Ship chases. Monkeys (One monkey, to be precise. And a donkey. But at least it rhymes). Funny jokes. Stuff blowing up. Naval battles. Did I mention the walking skeletons? Awesome special effects. Did I hear you say "plot"? What's this "plot" thing you speaketh of? Real pirates don't need plots, arrr. Oh, well, keep in mind it's based on a Disney ride, I'd say there's enough plot to go around.

And speaking of Disney, you can say what you want about them: They treat their employees like crap, they would sell their soul (with funny mouse ears) in a pinch and they even charge 7 dollars for parking at their overpriced parks. But they sure have an eye for the little details. Every scene from the ride is painstakingly recreated in the movie. And trust me, I've been on the ride a couple of times, I know what I'm talking about. You probably won't recognize any, but let me tell you, there they are. If you, too, want to recognize a scene, here's one. Anyhow. Can you tell I thoroughly enjoyed the movie? Go see it. Now. I'll probably be in the row behind you, cheering.

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