Monday, December 01, 2003

Ewww - Hotmail has undergone a complete revamp that's ugly as hell. Why?? Why?? Why?? Eek!

When I went to the gym today I saw the yoga class. Now I always thought that yoga was relaxing and meditative. But this was more like military training. The trainer was talking constantly: "Putyourfootforwardbendyourkneedownbothfeetbackintothedogintothecat
putbothkneesdownlieonyourstomachdothecobra" ACK! I had thought about doing yoga because I am always so tense. For relaxation. But this? This doesn't make me relax at all. Watching it alone made me nervous.

I need to be more relaxed. I feel really high-strung at the moment. If you have any recipes I'd be glad to hear them.

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