Saturday, March 06, 2004

Just saw Monster. It sucked. If you want to see what Charlize Theron looks like with latex on her mug, just look at some production stills. That takes less time than sitting through that awful long made-for-TV-movie. And then go watch yourselves some Autopsy. That's some good shit right there, man. <-- I can do "Crazy Prostitute" if I want to, so there. Don't need no latex. No sirree Bob.

Seriously, it's not that well acted, the story is boring as hell and for Chrissakes it had an end title that said: "Whatshername was executed on insertdatehere." I hate end titles. If you can't tell me through images, don't bother telling me at all. Why do you need to tell me it's "A true story"? Is that mandatory if it is? Whatever the case may be, it's information the viewer surely does not need.

[offtopicrant]Sorry to ramble but that is a pet peeve of mine. Also unnecessary subtitles. Why must you show me Big Ben and then inform me in a subtitle that this is "London, England"? I don't need no stinkin' subtitles.[/offtopicrant]

Well, I'd have wished for some good old-fashioned torture instead. Blood and gore galore. People rising from the dead. Of course I am talking about the Jesus movie. Yay for floggings and crucifixion ("Only one cross per person"). Actually, I am interested in what Latin sounds like when spoken by a living person. Yes, I am geeky. Did the geek test today and came out 70% geek (it's the Star Trek phase, I am telling you. That and Latin featured really high on this test which is why I am remembering it now). Then again I did a Jock test, too and came out 30% Jock. Here it was the section about beer and talking about sports that got me back into the picture, I figure.

What am I rambling about? I should go to bed. It's late.

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