Thursday, December 12, 2002

Met my ex-boyfriend today...and I have one thing to say... it got me thinking again on the subject of men (different strain of thought than usual, though):

We were supposed to go out do something but he was kind of exhausted and so we stayed at his place and talked. And I have to admit that it was kind of boring. Don't get me wrong, I like him a lot but it seems we just did not have that much to talk about. So I was wondering: Did we ever have anything to talk about? Or does the physical interaction that you have as boyfriend/girlfriend take up that much of the time you spend together? Meaning: When out of conversation material, just start kissing...

What I am trying to say is this: Take any two single people that do not hate each other on sight and are kind of able to maintain an interesting conversation, say, on a party. If both of them agree that they could be in a relationship, does everything else not matter? Is it just a thing of being at the right place on the right time with anybody? Or are some people more suited to be in a relationship?

Sounds kind of cynical, you say. What about love? you say. But isn't it true that you might be more inclined to have feelings for somebody who apparently is interested in you (in whatsoever manner)? Yes, there is the whole "hunter" issue I discussed earlier. And there are those wonderful periods in life where you are desperately in love with somebody who loves somebody else. But that's not the point here.

I am talking two "consenting adults" meaning they both are looking for a relationship of some kind who just happen to meet. They both have different...let's call it "ways of life". likes to ride his motorcycle and talk about it a lot, the other doesn't. Or one of them likes to hike up dangerous snow-covered mountains...the other doesn't. Or one of them is really into some kind of music the other get the picture. But all that doesn't matter once they are firmly set on the relationship track. Usually one or the other will adapt..try to find out what the other sees in their favourite pastime and even maybe adopt one habit or the other. But could it have happened with any other person?

Then, instead of trying to find out what "offside" really means you would now be looking at a stamp collection and ask yourself "What the fuck?" Or walk his dog that you hate. Or he would be trying to ponder the meaning of the Buffyverse. Or not. Whichever.

Think back. Most of the time when a relationship ends, after some time you go: "Why did I put up with all that?" Now, my point is: If you had met somebody else that particular day...would you have minded? You probably say..well, I was in love and all that...but I am saying...under the right circumstances, it probably could have been anybody. Which is probably a good thing, because there are only so many people really suited for each other. And some kind of adaptation process has to be going on in every relationship or you could only date your identical twin.

In case you were wondering: This really does not have a point, as I am not perpetuating that you should only partner up with your "soulmate" - heaven forbid, nobody ever would go out on a date. I am just observing the funny ways of life/fate.

And in case you want to comment: My comments system is seriously fucked up...until I find a way to fix it you can always take the long route and email me in person :)

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