Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Mood ring says: Good mood

What time is it? Check out the Funky Noodle Clock as I call it.

Strangely enough, I'm feeling better now. Maybe not smoking has helped in keeping the cold in its place. Or away from it, depending on how you look at it. Only my throat still hurts somewhat. I finally need to get some work done or I'll never ever finish University. Today I have been musing about alternate career moves. But alas, I have no discernable talent (apart from golf - not to be confused with Minigolf, at which I am a talentless hack - not to be confused with Paul who is the Official Minigolf MasterTM). Is writing convoluted run-on sentences a talent or a curse, by the way? Just asking. For a moment I was worrying "discernable" was supposed to be "discernible", but I checked and actually both variations exist. Am I good or what? :: does the dance of vocabulary joy ::

What else? I brought my car to be checked-upped today (go vocabulary!), actually it's going to the TÜV tomorrow. I hope it passes...if not, I have a date with the Smart Center of my choice on Friday :) Wroom, wroom - test driving the Roadster.

If I have you thorougly bored and you need some amusement to divert yourself, you can always look for the Lord. If you find him, pray tell, because there was nun to be found when I looked. God, sometimes I crack myself up.

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