Thursday, August 28, 2003

As you probably know I have this tracking feature so I can see if people are actually reading my blog. Makes me feel I am doing this for a reason... Anyway, since my old tracking thing doesn't work properly anymore I checked out a new tracker. That one's not for free, but I am on a free trial period. Yesterday I got an e-mail from them: They congratulated me on my blog and MENTIONED STUFF I had written. Sceptic me thinks: They must have some kind of software that goes through the blogs and integrates sentences from there into the marketing e-mails. But no! Today, when I check my stats, I can see that somebody from has actualla accessed my site. That's some customer service! (Either that or I am their only customer which they intend to make a paying one :)

Am really nervous today because I got an e-mail from my tutor asking me what my timeframe concerning my paper was. Now I had thought I had made it clear I wanted to turn the damn thing in by the end of September. Actually, some comments they made a week ago had made me doubt my tutors knew my intention, but now I am sure they don't...This wouldn't worry me so much if for two reasons:

a) I still need to register the paper. They kept saying: Don't do it now - but I didn't know they were thinking I'd take much longer - so maybe it's too late now to register it. My professor who needs to sign the registration form is on holiday anyway. Yikes.

b) One of them will also grade the paper. Meaning if I tell them: "I don't care what you say - I'll just turn it in and hope for the best", I'll probably get bad grades. Maybe she'll even fail me. And she's really close to my professor who also will grade the paper. So if she discusses my failings with him, there's no way he'll let me pass.

I wrote them an e-mail explaining I want to turn it in basically NOW and am awaiting the results. From time to time I am opening my inbox, all the while nervously chewing my nails. So much for the mon-world turning to normal. I don't even know how to SPELL norml anymore :)

Must relax tonight. My plans are: I am going swimming and then I'll be free and easy at the Backstage, if anyone wants to come.

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