Thursday, May 15, 2003

I am sitting here desperately trying not to have a cigarette. Today's been really bad in terms of not smoking. I don't know whether I feel crappy because I'm not smoking or whether I want to smoke because I feel crappy. Both, I guess. Maybe I should really go to bed, but I don't want to go to bed simply to avoid smoking. Does that make sense? So I'll just sit here for a while and resist. While boring you with this. Did I mention I feel like the boringest person on Earth at the moment? Hold-the-button's probably more exciting than me right now. Why are you reading this anyway? Is your life even boringer than mine? Discuss.

Ah, whining again. Don't mind me, it's still the lack of nicotine talking, I guess, because apart from that I was feeling pretty good today.

Went swimming and paid 8.70 for it. That seems pretty expensive to me...
Small children in the shower were making disparaging remarks about "the funny lady that has many fluids" (their words, not mine). The "many fluids" were my shower gel, my shampoo and my conditioner. Hey, brat, just because your momma washes your head with dishwashing liquid apparently, that's no reason to scoff at other people's hygienic accessories. And for the record, if your mother doesn't stop smiling benevolently when you announce "I am peeing in the shower, look, Mommy", I will think of a creative way to dispose of my "many fluids" in her face, anyway. One bottle up each nostril will do the trick, I guess. And you better watch out for that left-over bottle, but I guess I won't have trouble inserting it into your mouth as you are screaming your head off anyway because you don't want to have the shampoo washed off your head. Yikes. Makes you rethink that whole pregnancy thing again. (Sorry, Trixi. Your child will be better behaved, naturally.)

Feeling sort of amused now and I think I'll be able to go to bed. Amused by cruelty to little children. Probably makes me move up one Hell Dimension. Strike!

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