Friday, May 16, 2003

The other day I saw on TV that time passes faster for smokers than for non-smokers. Just now I was looking at my horoscope and saw the date - one week since my birthday?? It seems much shorter than that. Hence, not true. The only time it actually is right is when you have to wait for someone. Then I used to smoke a cigarette. Now I am bored and wait.

The horoscope, by the way, said I'd buy stuff I didn't need. How did they know about my stationary bike? (Did I tell you it was actually Paul's fault I got it? Yes, it was! He practically forced me onto ebay suggesting I'd buy a sandbag to hit whenever I wanted to smoke. But sandbags were so expensive. And the auction for the stationary bike was just about to expire. And it was just 1 Euro. Maybe I am to blame after all. I like deals. 1 Euro!! El-cheapo Stationary Bike!!) It's a Good Thing. Tomorrow I'll pick it up. I'm actually quite excited. Can you tell?

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