Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Useless feeling pervades a grey day

Still want a cigarette. I am suspecting it'll never get better. I miss it somewhat, too, other than the nicotine. Somehow I wish it wasn't that addictive so you could smoke a cigarette now and then just for fun. It probably works with cigars, but they're just disgusting.

I am feeling boring and useless again. Probably shouldn't complain about this but I am feeling like a vegetable. Actually, I am not feeling like much. I am just sitting. Hence, I am a sitting vegetable. Probably a turnip or some such. They don't move about a lot.

And another thing that's a lie: you never lose anything at home. First of all, nary a sock I own has a partner anymore. They go into the washing machine in twos like the animals into Noah's Ark. Then something happens and they become Single Socks. Not one of them looks like another sock in that laundry load. Second, my hair accessories. I am buying hair clips to support the whole plastics industry in Taiwan. Where are they? I mean it isn't like I take them off any other place than at home to go to bed or to take a shower. But there's none in the kitchen, none in the bathroom and none in my room. Why am I writing this? Because yesterday I took the clip off and placed it onto the pile of books next to my bed so I'd find it again when I woke up. And it's gone! I looked everywhere for it, but it's not there anymore. This probably means

a) There's a parallel universe I am slipping back and forth into where the hair clips decide to stay

b) The clip burglar visits my home on a regular basis

c) Plastics dissolving aliens come into my room at night and take a sock snack while they're at it

d) The hair clips have a point of "spontaneous combustion" built in by those sneaky Taiwanese

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